Domen Zavrl
International Businessman
Domen Zavrl is an experienced international businessman with expertise in business brokerage, commodities trading, structured financing and real estate development.
Business Brokerage
Commodities Trading
Structured Financing
Real Estate Development
Areas of Expertise & Professional interests
This blog will cover a range of topics that relate to Zavrl’s professional interests, including the numerous areas of expertise that he has accrued throughout his career as a businessman. One such area is commodities trading, which is the trading of everyday materials such as food stuffs, metals, oil and energy.
Typically, commodities move in the opposite direction to stocks – meaning that they are a wise investment during times when the stock market is volatile. Commodities trading is older than the trade of bonds or stocks; however, the present-day commodities that are traded fall into one of four categories: metals, energy, livestock and meat, and agricultural.

Structured Financing
Structured financing is another area of expertise for Zavrl, which focuses on financial law related to risk and leverage. Typical strategies in structured financing include corporate restructures, off balance sheet accounting, securitisation, tranching, and credit enhancement.
A number of Zavrl’s personal interests will also be covered on this blog, including topics such as cryptography and the learning society. Zavrl studied cryptography, taking courses at Stanford to learn more about the art of converting ordinary text into unintelligible code. Cryptography is a way of ensuring that information or data is safely transmitted – and that it will only be read by those authorised to do so.
Real Estate Development
Zavrl’s expertise in the process of real estate development will also be discussed on this blog, which describes the buying of land upon which commercial or residential real estate can be built. A successful real estate developer will find, buy, own and manage the real estate throughout the development project, and is responsible for putting together a team of experts – such as architects, engineers and lawyers – that will ensure that the project is completed.
The Learning Society
The learning society is another area of interest for Zavrl, which describes an educational philosophy that focuses on informal education and learning that is decentralised and deregulated. Advocated by UNESCO and the OECD, the learning society is designed around education as an activity rather than a place. It posits that learning is a lifelong activity, and the key to a country’s economic development.