
Macroeconomics stabilization policies, institutional economies and system dynamics are other areas of interest for Zavrl.
Zavrl has advanced computer skills and is proficient with a huge array of technologies, programming concepts and computer languages. Amongst the programming languages that he is most familiar with are JavaScript, C ++ and Python.
Zavrl has two PhD. His first PhD focused on Applied Macroeconomics, which he was awarded in 2003 by Klagenfurt University in Austria. In 2006, Zavrl embarked on his second PhD, which focused on Stabilization of Non Linear Real Life Systems – which he completed in 2010 at the University of Maribor, Slovenia. Several of his papers have been published and/or referenced in a number of journals, conferences and articles.
Zavrl continued his education, enrolling at Dartmouth University – one of America’s most prestigious Ivy League research universities – where he is studied Tuck Executive Education. Fluent in English, Italian, French and German, Zavrl’s proficiency with languages has seen him work in countries all around the world.
Zavrl was involved in politics in Slovenia, where he was the Shadow Minister of Finance from 2003 until 2004. After his time in public office, Zavrl took a position with an American company working in the oil and gas industry, and in 2006, he became the Principal of MBB ISTA – the International Space Agency that Zavrl established alongside the ISC Kosmotras, a joint project established by Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia.